Thank you for reporting your e-waste.
The reporting for 2023 has been closed. This means that we can process all the figures.
We will publish the full results in the course of October.


The reporting was closed. Registration is therefore no longer possible. Results will be published in October 2024.


Why BeWeee?

BeWeee is the Belgian web-based application for complying with the European reporting obligations for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Each Member State must submit reports on the quantities of EEE put on the market, WEEE collected after use, and WEEE that has been processed. For this purpose, we need data from each company involved in the EEE and/or WEEE chain. This tool will help you to meet your annual reporting obligations easily.


Do you have a contract with Recupel or a producer with an individual plan?

  • If you have a contract with Recupel and already report everything to Recupel, you do not need to take any further action. Recupel will report to us on your behalf.
  • If you have a contract with Recupel but do not report everything to them, you must submit reports on the quantities that have not been reported to us.
  • If you do not have a contract with Recupel, you must submit reports to us yourself.

Who should submit reports?

As a producer of EEE with an individual waste management plan or as a management body, you must submit reports via BeWeee on the quantities of EEE that have been put on the Belgian market.
Collectors of WEEE
As a WEEE collector, you must submit reports via BeWeee about the quantities of WEEE for which you have arranged transport. You must submit reports on the quantities transported for re-use and the quantities transported for processing.
Exporter of WEEE
As a notifier or collector taking WEEE abroad, you must submit reports via BeWeee on the quantities of WEEE that have left the Belgian market. You must register your company both as a ‘collector’ and as a ‘processor.’ This is because you also have to submit reports on the processing results, based on the processing certificates that you receive from your foreign processors.
Sellers or distributors of WEEE
As a seller or distributor, you must submit reports via BeWeee on the quantities of WEEE that you have taken back from your customers.
Processors of WEEE
As a processor of WEEE, you must submit reports via BeWeee on the quantities of WEEE that you have received and processed.
Re-use centre of EEE and/or WEEE
As a re-use centre of EEE and/or WEEE, you must submit reports via BeWeee on the quantities of EEE and/or WEEE prepared for re-use.

In support of: