
A total of 169.807 tonnes of WEEE were reported in 2023. This is a 5% increase compared to 2022 and the highest reported figure since BeWeee was founded in 2017.


Of the 169,807 tonnes of reported WEEE, 41.299 tonnes tonnes were reported directly through BeWeee. That is 6 times more in 6 years.


Most of the reported WEEE consists of electro-appliances. But the share of photovoltaic solar panels is increasing every year. For instance, 96,606 tonnes of solar panels were put on the market in 2023. That is a whopping 30,000 tonnes more than in 2022.


In Belgium, we collect more than half of the WEEE. This is slightly below the European target, but we do 4,5% better than the average of all countries in the European Union. For 2023, the collection percentage (excluding PV) is 58,06%.


The total collection rate (OOM/POM) including solar panels for the year 2023 is 50,11%. This figure is slightly higher than in 2022.

  • The POM DOM dropped to 235.016 tonnes last year, but overall there is a significant increase in POM due to PV Solar Panels to 377.776 tonnes.
  • As a result, the average POM of previous years increased from 335.908 tonnes to 338.845 tonnes. The average tonnage of DOM continues to increase, while the average PRO tonnage decreases.
  • The collection rates for professional WEEE remain level; 79,70%, while there is an increase to 45,42% for
    household WEEE.


In the coming years, BeWeee intends to do even better to further increase the reporting rate. Companies and organisations will continue to be addressed individually and collectively to fulfil their obligations.

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