
In 2022, 41,493 tonnes of WEEE were reported directly to BeWeee. This is 3.20% more than the previous year. Especially for professional WEEE, companies found even more their way to the reporting platform (+22%).


Most of the volume reported at BeWeee consists of electro-appliances. But the share of photovoltaic panels is increasing from year to year. In 2022, there are 657 tonnes of discarded photovoltaic panels were already reported.


Ever since its establishment, BeWeee has been steadily contributing to achieving our country’s European collection target. In five years,the reported volume has increased by 6.


BeWeee also consolidates the collection results for the whole country: earlier this year, the figures of Recupel and PV CYCLE Belgium were also published. Added up, we arrive at an overall collection volume of 161,804 tonnes for Belgium in 2022.


The overall collection rate (OOM/POM) for Belgium in 2022 ends up at 48.17%. However, one has to take into account the massive roll-out of photovoltaic panels in recent years and their 10-year product and 20-year performance guarantees, which limit the number of discarded photovoltaic panels today. Both factors thus have a very large impact on the ratio (OOM/POM). The total collection rate (OOM/POM) without photovoltaic panels is 54.06%.


In the coming years, BeWeee intends to do even better to further increase
the reporting rate to achieve the 65% collection target imposed by Europe. Companies and organisations will continue to be addressed individually and collectively to fulfil their obligations.

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